Sunday, 6 Av 7-15-2002

The week started off with a bang. The Chayolei HaRebbe campaign introduced the “Netilas Yodaim” as the project for the week. Through a very nice and funny skit, the campers were taught how to wash their hands properly for bread. Big signs were posted in the camp square and in the washing areas with the Halochos.

Since the sports for the first month is coming to a close, it had to end off with a bang, with an especially big sports event to give the kids an incentive to try harder in sports and strengthen themselves physically. So there was an All-Star game for each division in camp 1st , 2nd and 3rd which included every camper in camp. There were 24 campers in each division, 12 kids on each team, in the All-Star game. There were papers advertising the All-Star game all over camp. (They were put up when all the camp was sleeping)

The first division played Hockey whiles the 2nd and 3rd played intense games of Basketball. Almost the whole camp showed up to watch the games. The games were awesome the games were refereed by Head counselor Mendy Kornfeld refereed and sports Director Shmuel Chaim Plotke. The campers had a great time and they wer all happy. The M.V.P. in each division, was; 1st division: Schneur Werde and Schneur Zalman Raitport, 2nd division: Mendel Shemtov, 3rd division: Zalman Raksin.

After supper the campers had a blast with a “String Hunt” all over the camp grounds. Following Maariv, Night activity director Moishe Markel walked into the Shul with all the strings around him and announced the winners.

Later on this night there was the first official staff meeting for all staff members, planning out the rest of this week’s fun (I.E. Bog war) that the camp is going to experience.

Stay tuned for the next report of this very special week in Machane Gan Yisroel.