Before Mincha the campers were told about a big prize for the Shabbos camper raffle. They were also told about the new order for the Shabbos competition, three bunks from the entire camp.

Koppel Cohen Director of the BMD (Bar Mitzvah Division) Davened Kabolas Shabbos @ the Umud.

The younger bunks left to the dining room a few minutes earlier for Seudas Shabbos. Seudas Shabbos was delicious.

For the 3rd week in a row the dining room rocked with Chayus. During the meal the bran news “the 12768 Weekly” camp newsletter was distributed. The Friday night song sheet was filled with songs from bunk war. Following the meal there was a farbrengen for the campers.

Shabbos morning there was Mikva in the indoor pool followed by snacks – kokosh cake, fruit & cereal.

Learning teacher Mendy Cohen, davened Shachris & Mussaf @ the Umud.

Before Kriah, H.C. Asher Deren auctioned off the Aliyos for campers & bunks who would learn Mishnayos Baal Peh.

Division Head and Night Activity Director Moshe Markel Lained. Levi Hodakov CEO of received the Aliya of Shevee’ee & Survival Director Gershon Sandler received Maftir.

After a very lebedik lunch led by H.C. Moishe Steiner, there was rest period & canteen, followed by Farbrengens that each learning class has with their learning teacher.
Rabbi Shemtov farbrenged all afternoon in the guest dining room.

After learning classes there was a very successful M.B.P. session.

After M.B.P. camp had a Seder Niggunim that was led by L.D. Mendy Kaplan, davened Mincha, Shalosh Seudos & of course Shmaryonky.

This weeks’ Shmaryonky was put on by Division Head Moshe Markel, Counselor Kushi Schusterman & V.D. Yochanon Klein.