After packing all their belongings the campers boarded the buses for the short trip to Neversink River Campgrounds.

When the campers arrived @ the camp site they began setting up their beds (sleeping bags). Afterward they started to collect enough wood so that their bonfires would stay lit all right and provide heat & light.

Meanwhile the counselors together with the help of other staff members started to prepare the barbeque for supper.

After supper everyone gathered around the fire to sing many camp songs (a special song sheet was prepared for the overnight). Lots of dedicated counselors purchased marshmallows & graham crackers for their campers. The campers then roasted the marshmallows and ate them with the graham crackers ala smores. As has become the custom in recent years, Levi Hodakov the CEO of accompanied by his wife and baby Sarah arrived on the scene and gave delicious citrus ices to all the campers. Later on in the night the campers went to sleep while hearing a story from one of their staff members.

At around 7:00 in the morning the campers woke up, davened and ate breakfast. At about 8:30 the campers went on to buses to Mountain Creek water park. @ the park everyone got into their bathing suits, and went into the water park together with staff members.

Everyone had a blast @ the park that was filled with only Jwish boys camps. Once again the campers & staff of CGI stood out wearing their Yarmulkas and Tzitzis all day long.

At about 4:30 it started to rain a little bit, but CGI didn’t give up, we waited under shelter and entertained the other camps with our renowned Chayus until the light drizzle stopped. When the drizzle stopped we went back into the park for another hour