Following a rally with Pesukim, going into the Ohel, Mincha & supper everyone will be going to 770 for what will definitely be the loudest Maariv of the year in 770.
The Staff & Campers of Camp Gan Yisroel, NY would like to wish a very hearty Mazel Tov to our dear, dedicated & devoted Director, Rabbi & Mrs. Yossie Futerfas on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Hendel. May the Bar Mitzvah Bochur be a source of Nachas to his parents & The Rebbe and may he grow up to be a Chossid, Yiray Shomayim & Lamdan.
Tuesday, August 07, 2001
Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Fox sponsor ices
On Monday night the entire younger division of Gan Yisroel, NY from Bunks 1-12 went on an overnight to the Neversink campgrounds, a beautiful camping site about 15 minutes from Gan Yisroel.
The campers had a great time collecting wood for their bonfires and enjoyed running around and playing in the great outdoors. CGI’s very own certified survival guide Gershon Snadler was on hand making sure everyone was having an easy time starting their fires.
At around 10:30pm CEO Levi & Miriam Hodakov arrived to check up on everybody. They brought along with them a treat for everyone. The treat, delicous frozen citrus ices were sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Fox family of Crown Heights. The campers and staff enjoyed the frozen treats immensely.
On Tuesday morning the busses rolled out of Neversink with all the happy campers to Bowling @ Liberty Lanes & afterward to Mini & Long Range Golf also in Liberty where the campers had a blast!
On Tuesday afternoon the older division went to Neversink. The older division will be going tubing down the Delaware for their overnight trip.
NEWS?! 8-6-2001
Its been a real busy weekend at Camp Gan Israel. From the annual
Yarchei Kalah celebration, to our second and final visiting day. We apologize
for the lack of news reports. We will update the news page as soon as possible. In the mean time please enjoy the photographs that were taken in the last few days
Topsy Turvy in CGI 8-6-2001
Wednesday, in Camp Gan Yisroel was Topsy-Turvy Day 5761/2001. For the past 3 days, campers were campaigning for various staff positions. On Monday night, all the candidates had to give a speech and demonstrate their ability to do the job of the staff member they had chosen to be. On Wednesday, the Night Activity Director, Levi Tenenhaus, announced the results of which campers became which staff members. The following is a list of the results.
Head Counselor
Motti Harlig
Yoni Marks
Shaya Spalter
Learning Director
Shmaya Futerfas
Hendel Futerfas
Levi Harlig
E.C.A.D – Trip Director
Henoch Rosenfeld
Sruli Lipszyc
Batting cages & Game Room
Mendel Avtzon
Kuti Kalmenson
Eli Shochat
Sholom Neistein
Kitchen (Mashigiach)
Michoel Gutleizer
Head Lifeguard
Shmueli Veshedsky
Shalom Klein
Night activity
Chaim Leiter
Peretz Kazen
Office Manager
Leibel Greenbaum
Program Director
Levi Treitel
Yanky Komar
Van driver
Shimon Shur
Moshie Grossman
Chaim Yoel Lipszyc
Tuesday – Yud Aleph Av 8-6-2001
On Tuesday, sometime in middle of Shacharis, all the counselors mysteriously disappeared. Campers were left confused and in despair as they couldn’t figure out what had happened to their counselors. Campers gathered in front of the shul to discuss the situation. Rumors began to circulate. “Maybe it’s a color war breakout†said one camper, his voice filled with hope. Other speculations included: “I bet they went to Hershey Park without us†and “They probably went SCUBA divingâ€, just to name a few. Overall, there was a shared feeling of lack.
In order to compensate for all the counselors who couldn’t be found, and to alleviate the pain, right after lunch, the campers were treated to ice cream. In the camp square, there were different lines for: vanilla, chocolate, chocolate and other delicious flavors. The response was very positive. One very happy camper was even overheard offering to let his counselor stay out of camp even longer, if the campers would get pizza for supper.
The suspense finally came to an end today, as the results for Topsy-Turvy Day were publicized. Inside sources report, that the head staff of Topsy-Turvy Day have received the full benefits, including: A room in the Debra, a radio, a key to the head staff office and even a key to the game room.