Yesterday, Sunday 16 Av was the 2nd vsiting day of the season @ Gan Yisroel, NY. Though visiting day didn’t start officially till 12:00 noon, there were many visitors who arrived earlier. The weather was B”H very good all day long and the CGI canteen did a brisk business.

The amount of visitors was slightly less than the first month, however there were still many visitors from all over who came to visit, including former CGI Head Counselors, Shea Harlig, Yossi Hodakov, Mendel Marazov and Yossi Spalter.

Just before 2:00 there was a performance by the CGI choir in the Shul. The campers in the choir, under the conductorship of counselor Zalmy Friedman did a wonderful job, and were applauded for and loudly, by the packed Shul of visitors, campers & staff.

After the campers were done, there was a brief concert performance by a number of staff who also sang harmony in the campers choir.

As is customary, the campers who left camp returned with loads of nosh and other goodies to last them through the next 2 action packed weeks in the Rebbe’s camp.