Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Fox sponsor ices
On Monday night the entire younger division of Gan Yisroel, NY from Bunks 1-12 went on an overnight to the Neversink campgrounds, a beautiful camping site about 15 minutes from Gan Yisroel.

The campers had a great time collecting wood for their bonfires and enjoyed running around and playing in the great outdoors. CGI’s very own certified survival guide Gershon Snadler was on hand making sure everyone was having an easy time starting their fires.

At around 10:30pm CEO Levi & Miriam Hodakov arrived to check up on everybody. They brought along with them a treat for everyone. The treat, delicous frozen citrus ices were sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Noach Fox family of Crown Heights. The campers and staff enjoyed the frozen treats immensely.

On Tuesday morning the busses rolled out of Neversink with all the happy campers to Bowling @ Liberty Lanes & afterward to Mini & Long Range Golf also in Liberty where the campers had a blast!

On Tuesday afternoon the older division went to Neversink. The older division will be going tubing down the Delaware for their overnight trip.