Wednesday, in Camp Gan Yisroel was Topsy-Turvy Day 5761/2001. For the past 3 days, campers were campaigning for various staff positions. On Monday night, all the candidates had to give a speech and demonstrate their ability to do the job of the staff member they had chosen to be. On Wednesday, the Night Activity Director, Levi Tenenhaus, announced the results of which campers became which staff members. The following is a list of the results.
Head Counselor
Motti Harlig
Yoni Marks
Shaya Spalter
Learning Director
Shmaya Futerfas
Hendel Futerfas
Levi Harlig
E.C.A.D – Trip Director
Henoch Rosenfeld
Sruli Lipszyc
Batting cages & Game Room
Mendel Avtzon
Kuti Kalmenson
Eli Shochat
Sholom Neistein
Kitchen (Mashigiach)
Michoel Gutleizer
Head Lifeguard
Shmueli Veshedsky
Shalom Klein
Night activity
Chaim Leiter
Peretz Kazen
Office Manager
Leibel Greenbaum
Program Director
Levi Treitel
Yanky Komar
Van driver
Shimon Shur
Moshie Grossman
Chaim Yoel Lipszyc