Hundreds of people from around the world including many Shluchim, CGI Alumni and former CGINY Head Counselors Yossi Spalter & Elkana Shmotkin converged on Gan Yisroel, NY on Sunday forthe summers first visiting day.

While many parents & friends took campers off grounds to nearby Pizza Shops, Shoprite and other shopping, many others decided to spend their afternoon on the beautiful grounds of CGI and enjoy delicious hotdogs, burgers and other delicious food from the worlds best canteen. The weather for the most part was B”H very good and camps sports fields, the game room and lake with bumper boats were opened to all campers & visitors.

Two staff members were selling this years beautiful t-shirts & hats in the CGI square. Camp caretaker Eric Taylor was busy all day long directing both vehicular and pedestrian traffic across the busy Old Route 17.

As visiting day was coming to an end, smiling campers wereseen shlepping bags and bags of nosh & other goodies, back from their dayout of camp.

In a sign that campers are having a blast many campers who were meant to only stay for one month told their parents that they would like to stay for the second month too. As camp is B”H packed, they will have to wait till next Summer, IYH in Jerusalem to spend an entire 2 months in the Rebbe’s Camp.

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