From Project Shlichus to Shlichus War! 7-11- 2001

On Tuesday for the second activity all the Campers went up to their bunkhouses to complete the final touches on their bunk decorations and costumes for “Project Shlichus”.
At 3:45pm all the Campers and counselors got dressed into their costumes and stood outside of their respective Chabad Houses with proud signs and flags welcoming everyone in to their Chabad Houses.
After individual pictures were taken of each group in front of their Chabad Houses, all the Campers assembled in the center of the hill for a special formation.
What a Site to see! From the English royal guards to the Alte Chasideshe Yiden of Russia, from the vacationers of Hawaii to the Moroccan Jews, the hill looked as colorful and diverse as can be!
The bunks then each had a chance to present their cheer or song about their Chabad House and Country, each in their own accent or language. The Chayos and noise (thanks to the infamous CGI siren) was tremendous!
This prompted on of the CGI neighbors Mr. Ray Kelly to come on his tractor to the center of the hill berating the Staff for the commotion and the noise Camp was making, this lead into a confrontation with Masmidim Director Yossi Waks. . . . . . BOG WAR!
After a loud thank you to Mr. Kelly and the completion of the Presentation the Campers all went down to the Shul where they were explained the names of the teams in this Shlichus war and the teams were divided. (see related article).
The Chayos of Mincha and Bentching of supper really started this Shlichus war off on a high!
Very entertaining scavengers followed supper, the Campers then went up to bed and fell asleep within minutes after a long exciting and tiring day in Gan Yisroel – The Rebbe’s Camp