The Yeshivas Kayitz program @ Gan Yisroel, NY continues to experience much Hatzlocha in it’s program. The success is due to the hard work, dedication & devotion of the YK staff, Uberoshom Rabbi Moshe Wolberg & Hatomim Yirmiya Berkowitz.

Much credit is also due to the great bochurim who come from the finest Yeshivos around the world, including: Brunoy, Oholei Torah, Lubavitch Yeshiva, YOEC, Tzeirei HaShluchim – Tzfas, Montreal & others. The 50+ k”ah Bochurim are true examples of what a “bochur” should be, & @ the same time they are a “dugma chaya” to all the campers in CGINY.

Amongst the many new projects for the second month are Videos & tapes of the Rebbe. The videos are shown twice a week & they cover the entire year cycle with the Rebbe. The tapes, “Maaseh Rav” are played every night prior to Maariv. Each bochur is given a sheet of paper with the Sicha in Yiddish, in addition there is also English translation.

In other YK news, a major indoor play is being worked on. The play will be put on during the nine days, by YK members in front of the whole camp. Tonight there was a delicious b-b-q in Siberia. Due to weather conditions, all eating was indoors. Also a beautiful bima for the Sefer Torah was built & brand new shelves in the stock room.